Cult Vacui announcment

Today I announced Cult Vacui and I am very excited!

Especially because it is the first time I will release a game on STEAM for the first time!

Behind LBRTY games is one person, which is me (Alessandro).

I am an independent and passionate developer who comes from game jams, which are contests that last a few weeks where the goal is to create a game that will be evaluated by the jam community itself.

The inspiration for Cult Vacui comes as a result of one such game, namely “Don't drown,” developed for the 2024 pixel game jam, which in turn was inspired by scriptwelder's “Don't escape” series. 
It is a point-and-click where you have to survive an impending storm. 
The type of gameplay is based on choices that have a consequence on the final event.

This allows you in retrospect to figure out what choices you should have made and generates a sense of challenge in the player who is encouraged to other gameplay sessions.

This game was very popular and was played a lot, which prompted me to make Cult Vacui. 
In this case, however, I wanted to create a situation of tension and threat depicted by a very specific figure, cultists. 

The cultists serve to create a veiled sense of mystery.

Who are the cultists, what do they want?

To date I have been working on this game for about 7 months.

I have a design document ready and have created most of the assets.

The plan for the next few months is to implement everything and prepare for a beta test.

I will keep you updated.

Thanks in advance for your support

Alessandro - LBRTY games

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